Guide > Geometry Algorithms > Delaunay Triangulations

Delaunay Triangulations

A triangulation of a set S of points is a partition of the convex hull of S into triangles. This assumes that not all points of S are collinear. A triangulation is called Delaunay if the interior of the circumcircle of any triangle in the triangulation contains no points of S.

If all points of S are on the convex hull there is also a so-called furthest site Delaunay triangulation. In a furthest site Delaunay triangulation the circumcircle of any triangle has no points of S in its exterior.

On the right you see a Delaunay triangulation of a set of points in the plane, the points and edges on the convex hull are drawn in red. The picture is a screenshot from the example of computing and verifying a Delaunay triangulation.

Example of Delaunay Triangulation
On the right you see a furthest site Delaunay triangulation of a set of points in the plane, the points and edges on the convex hull are drawn in red. The picture is a screenshot from the example of computing and verifying a Delaunay triangulation. Example of Furthest Side Delaunay Triangulation
Example of computing and verifying a Delaunay triangulation

Properties of Delaunay Triangulations

  • A Delaunay triangulation maximizes the smallest interior angle of any triangle.
  • Delaunay triangulations tend to "rounder" triangles than other triangulations. This property is desirable for numerical applications.
  • Delaunay triangulations are useful in many contexts.
  • The Delaunay triangulation of a set of points is in general not unique.


The triangulation is represented by the parameterized graph GRAPH<POINT,int> G. G is a straight line embedded plane map. It corresponds to the triangulation T of the set of points L as follows:
  • Nodes are in one-to-one correspondence with the points in L
  • G is bidirected
  • For each node v of G the list A(v) of edges out of v is ordered cyclically. This cyclic ordering agrees with the counter-clockwise ordering of the edges incident to the point in T corresponding to v.
  • Each edge e of G has an integer label that gives information about the edge.

Running Time

The running time of the algorithms is O(n2).

Verifying Delaunay Triangulations

The function
    bool Is_Delaunay_Triangulation(const GRAPH<POINT,int>& G, 
	                           delaunay_voronoi_kind kind)

checks whether G is a Delaunay triangulation of the points associated with its nodes. The flag kind allows to choose between the nearest (kind==NEAREST) and furthest (kind==FURTHEST) site version. See also Verification of Geometric Structures.

We use the notation POINT to indicate that the algorithm works both for points and rat_points. See also Writing Kernel Independent Code.

Algorithms for Constrained Delaunay Triangulations

LEDA provides additional algorithms for computing Delaunay triangulations of segments, plane maps. Details can be found on the Manual Page of Geometry Algorithms.

See also:

Data Types for 2-D Geometry

Convex Hulls

Parameterized Graphs


Delaunay Diagrams

Verification of Geometric Structures

Writing Kernel Independent Code

Geometry Algorithms




Manual Entries

Manual Page of Geometry Algorithms

Algorithmic Solutions Software GmbH