Delaunay Diagrams
A Delaunay diagram of a set S of points consists
of the segments that belong to all (furthest site) Delaunay
triangulations of S .
On the right you see a Delaunay diagram of a set of four
points placed at the corners of a square. The two possible Delaunay
triangulations for the points can be build from the diagram by adding
one of the two diagonals of the square.
The picture is a screenshot from the example
of computing and verifying a Delaunay diagram.
Properties of Delaunay Diagrams
- A Delaunay diagram is a subgraph of every Delaunay triangulation.
- The Delaunay diagram is a planar graph whose bounded faces are convex
polygons all of whose vertices are co-circular.
- If no four points of S are co-circular then all bounded faces are
triangles and the Delaunay diagram is a triangulation.
Running Time
The running time of the algorithms is O(n2).
Verifying Delaunay Diagrams
The function
bool Is_Delaunay_Diagram(const GRAPH<POINT,int>& G,
delaunay_voronoi_kind kind)
checks whether G is a Delaunay diagram of the points associated
with its nodes. The flag kind allows to choose between the
nearest (kind=NEAREST ) and furthest (kind=FURTHEST )
site version. See also Verification of Geometric
We use the notation POINT to indicate that the algorithm works both for
points and rat_points . See also Writing
Kernel Independent Code.
See also:
Types for 2-D Geometry
Delaunay Triangulations
Voronoi Diagrams
Euclidean Minimum Spanning Trees
Verification of Geometric Structures
Writing Kernel Independent Code
Geometry Algorithms
Manual Entries
Page of Geometry Algorithms