GraphWin Attributes and Parameters
In GraphWin node and edge attributes
control how nodes and edges are drawn, and global parameters control
the general behavior. Attributes and parameters can be changed either
by setup panels or by the attribute
and parameter operations of the programming
Node Attributes
The attributes that control the drawing of nodes are: position,
shape, width, height, color,
pixmap, border color,
border width, label type, user label, label position, and label
color. For details on the different attributes see the
LEDA Book or the Manual
Page GraphWin.
On the right there is a screenshot of the node setup panel. Clicking
on the picture shows the window in original
Edge Attributes
The attributes that control the drawing of edges are: shape,
bends, direction, width, color, style, label type, user label, label
position, label color and slider positions.
On the right there is a screenshot of the node setup panel. Clicking
on the picture shows the window in original
Global Parameters
A GraphWin has the window
parameters background color, background pixmap, grid style,
and grid distance and the following additional parameters.
- flush: A parameter of type
bool (default
value: true ) that controls whether changes of node
and edge attributes are shown directly or not. If flush is false
the changes are invisible until the next call of redraw() .
- animation steps: A parameter of type
(default value: 16) that defines the number of intermediate drawings
used in an animation of layout changes and zoom operation. Setting
the parameter to zero disables animation.
- zoom objects: A parameter of type
bool (default
value: true ). If this flag is true, the size of nodes
and edges is adjusted automatically during zoom operations.
- show status: A parameter of type
bool (default
value: true ). If this flag is true, some selected
parameters, e.g. the number of nodes and edges of the graph and
the current position of the mouse pointer, is shown in a status
line at the bottom of the display region.
See also:
Attribute and Parameter Operations
Programming Interface
Windows and Panels
Window Parameters
Manual Pages:
Page GraphWin
Page Windows
Page Graphs