What is a GraphWin?
The data type GraphWin combines Graphs
and Windows. It forms a bridge
between the graph data types, the graph
algorithms, and the graphics interface of LEDA . The graph and
its drawing can be modified either by mouse operations or by running
a graph algorithm on the graph.
On the right you see a screenshot of a GraphWin with an orthogonal
drawing of a planar graph. The screenshot is taken from the Example
ORTHO_DRAW() from Section Graph
Drawing Algorithms. Clicking on the picture shows the Graphwin
in original size.
- construct and display graphs
- visualize graphs and the results of graph algorithms
- write interactive demos for graph algorithms
- animate graph algorithms
Main Properties
- The interactive
user interface is simple and intuitive.
- GraphWin can display and manipulate the data associated with
the nodes and edges of parameterized
- Most of the actions of GraphWin can be customized,
i.e., the user can define what happens if a node or edge is created,
selected, moved, or deleted.
- GraphWin offers a collection of graph generators, modifiers,
and tests.
- The standard menu includes a choice of fundamental graph algorithms
and basic embedding algorithms.
Further Topics:
See also:
Graph Data Types
Graph Algorithms
Graph Drawing Algorithms
Parameterized Graphs
Windows and Panels
The GraphWin Interactive
Customizing the Interactive Interface
Manual Pages:
Page GraphWin
Page Windows
Page Graphs