Individual Attributes of Nodes and Edges
Attributes of existing nodes and edges can be retrieved and changed
by the following operations. We use object for either
node or edge, and attrib (of type attrib_type )
for an arbitrary attribute.
attrib_type gw.get_attrib(object x);
returns the value of attribute attrib for object
x .
attrib_type gw.set_attrib(object x, attrib_type a);
sets the value of attribute attrib to a
for object x , and returns the old value of attrib .
void gw.set_attrib(list<object> L, attrib_type a);
sets attribute attrib to value a for all
objects in list
L , and
void gw.reset_attributes();
resets all attributes of all objects to their default values.
The current attributes of all nodes and edges may be saved and
restored later to the saved values by the following functions. These
functions are very useful if the appearance of the graph
has to be changed temporarily, e.g., to highlight a substructure
of the graph. For an example of how to use these operations have
a look at Edit and Run: A Simple Recipe
for Interactive Demos with GraphWin.
void gw.save_node_attributes();
void gw.save_edge_attributes();
void gw.restore_node_attributes();
void gw_restore_edge_attributes();
Default Attributes
Every attribute has a default value which is used to initialize the
attributes of new objects. The default values can be changed by the
following operations.
attrib_type get_object_attrib();
attrib_type set_object_attrib(attrib_type a, bool apply=true);
Remark: Changing the default value of an attribute also
affects all existing objects unless the optional boolean flag apply
in the corresponding set_object_attrib()- operation
is set to false .
The current default values of all attributes can be saved to a
file and later reloaded by the following operations
void gw.save_defaults(string fname);
void gw.read_defaults(string fname);
Global Parameters
Global parameters can be retrieved and changed by a collection of
get()- and set()- operations. We use param_type
for the type of a parameter param .
There is a get()- and set()- operation
for each global parameter.
param_type gw.get_param();
param_type gw.set_param(param_type p);
The latter operation returns the previous value of param .