The data type color represents all colors available
in drawing operations of windows.
Each color value corresponds to a triple of integers (r,g,b)
with 0<=r,g,b<=255 .
The number of available colors is restricted and depends on the underlying
hardware. Colors can be created from the rgb-values, from names in a color
data base (X11), or from the following integer constants black, white,
red, green, blue, yellow, violet, orange, cyan, brown, pink, green2, blue2,
grey1, grey2, grey3 .
Checking for Failed Color Definition
A color definition may fail for the following reasons
- system dependent limitation of colors
- illegal rgb-value
- color name not present in system color data base or system does not
have color data base
If the definition of a color fails, we say that the constructed color is
bad; otherwise it is good. The operation
bool col.is_good()
tests whether a color is good or bad.
The program below implements a simple color definition panel. It
uses three slider items for adjusting
the (r,g,b)-values of the color.
On the right there is a screenshot of the program. Clicking on
the picture shows the window in original
#include <LEDA/graphics/window.h>
#include <LEDA/graphics/color.h>
using namespace leda;
static int r,g,b;
void slider_red(int x)
void slider_green(int x)
void slider_blue(int x)
int main()
window W(320,300,"define color");
color col=green2;
W.int_item("red ",r,0,255,slider_red);
W.int_item("blue ",b,0,255,slider_blue);
if (col.is_good()) W.set_bg_color(col);
return 0;
See also:
Drawing Operations
Windows and Panels
Panel Items
Manual Pages:
Page Colors