Example Straight Line Embedding
Let G=(V,E) be a planar graph without self loops and
parallel edges. STRAIGHTLINE_EMBEDDING() computes a
straight line embedding of G in time O(|V|2).
The following program shows how STRAIGHTLINE_EMBEDDING()
can be used.
We first generate a random planar graph G with 10
nodes and 20 edges.
Then we define node_array<int>
xcoord, ycoord for the x- and y- coordinates of the nodes
We use GraphWin to
visualize the result. To do this we need to transform the integer
coordinates into appropriate GraphWin coordinates.
#include <LEDA/graph/graph.h>
#include <LEDA/graph/node_array.h>
#include <LEDA/graph/graph_draw.h>
#include <LEDA/graphics/graphwin.h>
using namespace leda;
int main()
graph G;
node_array<int> xcoord(G);
node_array<int> ycoord(G);
int max_coord=STRAIGHT_LINE_EMBEDDING(G,xcoord,ycoord);
std::cout << "maximal coordinate in drawing is "
<< max_coord << std::endl;
GraphWin gw(G);
gw.set_node_color(red); //nodes are drwan red
//transform coordinates of nodes
node_array<point> pos(G);node v;
forall_nodes(v,G) {
gw.set_layout(pos); //tell GraphWin the node coordinates
gw.open(); gw.display(); //open and display GraphWin
return 0;
See also:
Straight Line Embedding
Node Arrays
Graph Drawing Algorithms
Algorithms for Planar Graphs
Planar Maps
Graph Algorithms
and Related Data Types
Manual Entries:
Page Graph Drawing Algorithms