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Node Attribute Accessors ( node_attribute_da )


An instance da of class node_attribute_da<T> manages the access to a node parameter with type T of a parameterized graph GRAPH<T,?>.

Classes edge_attribute_da<T> is defined completely analogously.

#include < LEDA/graph/graph_iterator.h >


node_attribute_da<T> da introduces a variable da of this class.


T get(const node_attribute_da<T>& ma, const Iter& it)
    returns the associated value of it for this accessor.

void set(node_attribute_da<T>& ma, const Iter& it, T val)
    sets the associated value of it for this accessor to the given value.


Constant Overhead.


Given a parameterized graph G with nodes associated with colours, we want to count the number of red nodes. Since we have the template function of sect. node_array_da we can easily use it to do the computation:

  int count_red(GRAPH<color,double> G) {
    node_attribute_da<color> Color;
    return count_red_t(G,Color); }

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