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Breadth First Search (flexible) ( GIT_BFS )


An instance algorithm of class GIT_BFS< OutAdjIt, Queuetype, Mark > is an implementation of an algorithm that traverses a graph in a breadth first order. The queue used for the search must be provided by the caller and contains the source(s) of the search.

Iterator version: There is an iterator version of this algorithm: BFS_It. Usage is similar to that of node iterators without the ability to go backward in the sequence.

#include < LEDA/graph/graph_iterator.h >


GIT_BFS< OutAdjIt, Queuetype, Mark > algorithm(const Queuetype& q, Mark& ma)
    creates an instance algorithm of this class bound to the Queue q and data accessor ma.


GIT_BFS< OutAdjIt, Queuetype, Mark > algorithm(const Queuetype& q, Mark& ma, const OutAdjIt& ai)
    creates an instance algorithm of this class bound to the queue q, data accessor ma and the adjacency iterator ai representing the source node of the breadth first traversal.


void Performs one iteration of the core loop of the algorithm.

OutAdjIt algorithm.current() returns the ``current'' iterator.

void algorithm.finish_algo() executes the algorithm until finished() is true, i.e. exactly if the Queue is empty.

bool algorithm.finished() returns true if the internal Queue is empty.

Queuetype& algorithm.get_queue() gives direct access to internal Queue.


This example shows how to implement an algorithmic iterator for breadth first search:

class BFS_It {
  AdjIt               _source;
  node_array<da>      _handler;
  node_array_da<bool> _mark;
  queue<AdjIt>        _q;
  GIT_BFS<AdjIt,queue<AdjIt>,node_array_da<bool> >  _search;
  BFS_It(graph& G) :
   _source(AdjIt(G)), _handler(G,false),
   _mark(_handler), _search(_q,_mark) 
  bool valid() const { return !_search.finished();  }
  node get_node() const { return _search.current().get_node(); }
  BFS_It& operator++() {; return *this; }

With this iterator you can easily iterate through a graph in breadth first fashion :

  graph G;
  BFS_It it(G);
  while (it.valid()) { 
    // do something reasonable with 'it.get_node()'


Each operation requires constant time. Therefore, a normal breadth-first search needs $ \cal {O}$(m + n) time.

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