Minimum Width and Area AnnuliThe functions discussed here are direct applications of Voronoi diagrams. The function bool MIN_AREA_ANNULUS (const list<POINT>& L, POINT& center, POINT& ipoint, POINT& opoint, LINE& l1)computes the minimum area annulus containing the points of L . The function returns false if all points
in L are collinear, true otherwise. In the former case a line
passing through the points
in L is returned in l1 , and in the latter case the annulus is
returned by its center and a point on the inner and the outer circle,
The function bool MIN_WIDTH_ANNULUS (const list<POINT>& L, POINT& center, POINT& ipoint, POINT& opoint, LINE& l1,LINE& l2)computes the minimum width annulus containing the points of L . The function returns false if the minimum width annulus
is a stripe, true otherwise. In the former case the boundaries of the stripe
are returned in l1 and l2 , and in the latter case the annulus
is returned by its center and a point on the inner and the outer circle, respectively.
We use the notation Running TimeBoth functions have a running time O(|L|*|L|). They should only be used for small input size.Example Program for Computing Minimum AnnuliThe following program computes the minimum are and minimum width annuli of a set of random points and uses a window to display the result. #include <LEDA/core/list.h> #include <LEDA/geo/point.h> #include <LEDA/geo/line.h> #include <LEDA/geo/circle.h> #include <LEDA/geo/random_point.h> #include <LEDA/graphics/window.h> #include <LEDA/geo/geo_alg.h> using namespace leda; int main() { list<point> L; random_points_in_square(100,50,L); point acenter, aipoint, aopoint; line al1; bool not_collinear=MIN_AREA_ANNULUS(L,acenter,aipoint,aopoint,al1); if (!not_collinear) cout << "All points in L are collinear!" << endl; point wcenter, wipoint,wopoint; line wl1,wl2; bool not_stripe=MIN_WIDTH_ANNULUS(L,wcenter,wipoint,wopoint,wl1,wl2); if (!not_stripe) std::cout << "MIN_WIDTH_ANNULUS is stripe!" << std::endl; window W; W.init(-110,110,-110);; W.display(); W.set_node_width(2); W.set_line_width(2); point p; forall(p,L) W.draw_filled_node(p.to_point()); if (!not_collinear) W.draw_line(al1.to_line(),red); else { W.draw_circle(circle(acenter,aipoint),red); W.draw_circle(circle(acenter,aopoint),red); } if (!not_stripe) { W.draw_line(wl1.to_line(),green); W.draw_line(wl2.to_line(),green); } else { W.draw_circle(circle(wcenter,wipoint),green); W.draw_circle(circle(wcenter,wopoint),green); } W.read_mouse(); W.screenshot("minimum_annulus"); return 0; } |
See also:Writing Kernel Independent Code Manual Entries |