Guide > Geometry Algorithms > Minimum Width and Area Annuli

Minimum Width and Area Annuli

The functions discussed here are direct applications of Voronoi diagrams.

An annulus is the region between two concentric circles. When the center of the circles is a point at infinity an annulus degenerates to a stripe between two parallel lines. Annuli are closed sets. An annulus covers a set L of points if all points of L are contained in the annulus. The width of an annulus is the difference between the radius of the outer circle and radius of the inner circle of the annulus. The area of an annulus is the area of the region between the outer and the inner circle.

On the right you see a the minimum area annulus of a set of 50 points in red and the minimum width annulus in green. The picture is a screenshot from the program below.

Picture of Minimum Annuli

The function

    bool MIN_AREA_ANNULUS (const list<POINT>& L, POINT& center,
         POINT& ipoint, POINT& opoint, LINE& l1)
computes the minimum area annulus containing the points of L. The function returns false if all points in L are collinear, true otherwise. In the former case a line passing through the points in L is returned in l1, and in the latter case the annulus is returned by its center and a point on the inner and the outer circle, respectively.

The function

    bool MIN_WIDTH_ANNULUS (const list<POINT>& L, POINT& center,  
         POINT& ipoint, POINT& opoint, LINE& l1,LINE& l2)
computes the minimum width annulus containing the points of L. The function returns false if the minimum width annulus is a stripe, true otherwise. In the former case the boundaries of the stripe are returned in l1 and l2, and in the latter case the annulus is returned by its center and a point on the inner and the outer circle, respectively.

We use the notation POINT (LINE) to indicate that the algorithm works both for points (lines) and rat_points (rat_line). See also Writing Kernel Independent Code.

Running Time

Both functions have a running time O(|L|*|L|). They should only be used for small input size.

Example Program for Computing Minimum Annuli

The following program computes the minimum are and minimum width annuli of a set of random points and uses a window to display the result.

#include <LEDA/core/list.h>
#include <LEDA/geo/point.h>
#include <LEDA/geo/line.h>
#include <LEDA/geo/circle.h>
#include <LEDA/geo/random_point.h>
#include <LEDA/graphics/window.h>
#include <LEDA/geo/geo_alg.h>

using namespace leda;

int main()
  list<point> L;

  point acenter, aipoint, aopoint;
  line al1;
  bool not_collinear=MIN_AREA_ANNULUS(L,acenter,aipoint,aopoint,al1);
  if (!not_collinear) cout << "All points in L are collinear!" << endl;

  point wcenter, wipoint,wopoint;
  line wl1,wl2;
  bool not_stripe=MIN_WIDTH_ANNULUS(L,wcenter,wipoint,wopoint,wl1,wl2);
  if (!not_stripe) 
    std::cout << "MIN_WIDTH_ANNULUS is stripe!" << std::endl;
  window W;
  W.init(-110,110,-110);; W.display();
  point p;
  forall(p,L) W.draw_filled_node(p.to_point());
  if (!not_collinear) W.draw_line(al1.to_line(),red);
  else {
  if (!not_stripe) {
  else {

  return 0;

See also:

Voronoi Diagrams

Data Types for 2-D Geometry

Writing Kernel Independent Code

Windows and Panels

Extremal Circles

Curve Reconstruction

Geometry Algorithms




Manual Entries

Manual Page of Geometry Algorithms

Algorithmic Solutions Software GmbH