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The smod kernel of type residual ( residual )


Type residual::smod is a variant of class residual::mod that uses a signed representation. Here numbers modulo p are represented by integral doubles in (- p/2, + p/2). All functions have the common precondition that p is a prime between 3 and 226. The functions of type residual::mod are also provided for class residual::smod and have the same meaning, so we do not list them separately here.

#include < LEDA/numbers/residual.h >


double residual::frac(double a) returns a + z where z is the unique integer such that a + z $ \in$ [- 1/2, 1/2)


residual x creates an instance x of type residual and initializes it with zero.

residual x(long a) creates an instance x of type residual and initializes it with the value of a.

residual x(int a) creates an instance x of type residual and initializes it with the value of a.

residual x(double a) creates an instance x of type residual and initializes it with the integral part of x.

residual x(const integer& a) creates an instance x of type residual and initializes it with the value of a.


int residual::set_maximal_bit_length(int b, bool with_check=do_overflow_check)
    sets the maximal bit size of the representable numbers to b and returns the previous maximal bit size

int residual::get_maximal_bit_length()
    returns the maximal bit size of the representable numbers

int residual::required_primetable_size(int b)
    returns the number of primes required to represent signed numbers up to bit length b

The following functions have the common precondition that the residual objects a, x are integral and do not overflow.

integer x.to_integer() returns the integer equal to x.

long x.length() returns the length of the binary representation of the integer represented by x.

bool x.is_long() returns true if and only if x fits in the data format long.

long x.to_long() returns a long number which is initialized with the value of x. Precondition x.is_long() is true.

double x.to_double() returns a double floating point approximation of x.

double x.to_float() as above.

bool x.is_zero() returns true if and only if x is equal to zero.

bool x.is_invertible() returns true if and only if x is nonzero and the current modular representation of x allows to invert x without loss of information.

int x.sign() returns the sign of x.

int x.lagrange_sign() returns the sign of x using Lagrange's formula.

int x.garner_sign() returns the sign of x using Garner's formula.

string x.to_string() returns the decimal representation of x.

residual abs(const residual& a) returns the absolute value of a

void x.absolute(const residual& a)
    sets x to the absolute value of a.

The remaining functions do not have implicit preconditions. Although not explicitly mentioned, the arithmetic operations +, -, *, /, +=, -=, *=, /=, + +, - -, the shift operations, the comparison operations <, <=, >, >=, ==, != and the stream operations are available.

residual sqr(const residual& a) returns a*a

residual det2x2(const residual& a, const residual& b, const residual& c, const residual& d)
    returns a*d-b*c

void x.add(const residual& a, const residual& b)
    sets x to a+b.

void x.sub(const residual& a, const residual& b)
    sets x to a-b.

void x.mul(const residual& a, const residual& b)
    sets x to a*b.

void x.div(const residual& a, const residual& b)
    sets x to a/b.

void x.det2x2(const residual& a, const residual& b, const residual& c, const residual& d)
    sets x to a*d-b*c.

void x.inverse(const residual& a)
    sets x to the modular inverse of a. Precondition x.in_invertible is true.

void x.negate(const residual& a)
    sets x to -a.

The following functions provide direct read-only access to the internal representation of residual objects. They should only be used by the experienced user after reading the full documentation of type residual.

residual_sequence residual::get_primetable()
    returns a copy of the currently used primetable

residual_sequence residual::get_garnertable()
    returns a copy of the currently used table of Garner's constants

residual_sequence get_representation() returns a copy of the residual sequence representing x

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