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Two Dimensional Node Arrays ( node_matrix )


An instance M of the parameterized data type node_matrix<E> is a partial mapping from the set of node pairs V x V of a graph to the set of variables of data type E, called the element type of M. The domain I of M is called the index set of M. M is said to be valid for all node pairs in I. A node matrix can also be viewed as a node array with element type $node\_array\< E\> $
($node\_array\< node\_array\< E\> \ \> $

#include < LEDA/graph/node_matrix.h >


node_matrix<E> M creates an instance M of type node_matrix<E> and initializes the index set of M to the empty set.

node_matrix<E> M(const graph_t& G) creates an instance M of type node_matrix<E> and initializes the index set to be the set of all node pairs of graph G, i.e., M is made valid for all pairs in V x V where V is the set of nodes currently contained in G.

node_matrix<E> M(const graph_t& G, E x) creates an instance M of type node_matrix<E> and initializes the index set of M to be the set of all node pairs of graph G, i.e., M is made valid for all pairs in V x V where V is the set of nodes currently contained in G. In addition, M(v, w) is initialized with x for all nodes v, w $ \in$ V.


void M.init(const graph_t& G) sets the index set of M to V x V, where V is the set of all nodes of G.

void M.init(const graph_t& G, E x)
    sets the index set of M to V x V, where V is the set of all nodes of G and initializes M(v, w) to x for all v, w $ \in$ V.

const node_array<E>& M[node v] returns the node_array M(v).

const E& M(node v, node w) returns the variable M(v, w).
Precondition M must be valid for v and w.


Node matrices for a graph G are implemented by vectors of node arrays and an internal numbering of the nodes of G. The access operation takes constant time, the init operation takes time O(n2), where n is the number of nodes currently contained in G. The space requirement is O(n2). Note that a node matrix is only valid for the nodes contained in G at the moment of the matrix declaration or initialization (init). Access operations for later added nodes are not allowed.

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