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Linear Lists ( list )


An instance L of the parameterized data type list<E> is a sequence of items (list<E>::item). Each item in L contains an element of data type E, called the element or value type of L. The number of items in L is called the length of L. If L has length zero it is called the empty list. In the sequel < x > is used to denote a list item containing the element x and L[i] is used to denote the contents of list item i in L.

#include < LEDA/core/list.h >


list<E>::item the item type.

list<E>::value_type the value type.


list<E> L creates an instance L of type list<E> and initializes it to the empty list.

list<E> L(const std::initializer_list<E>& lst)
    creates an instance L of type list<E> and initializes it to a copy of lst, e.g. list < int > L(1, 2, 3, 4, 5)


Access Operations

int L.length() returns the length of L.

int L.size() returns L.length().

bool L.empty() returns true if L is empty, false otherwise.

list_item L.first() returns the first item of L (nil if L is empty).

list_item L.last() returns the last item of L. (nil if L is empty)

list_item L.get_item(int i) returns the item at position i (the first position is 0).
Precondition 0 < = i < L.length(). Note that this takes time linear in i.

list_item L.succ(list_item it) returns the successor item of item it, nil if it = L.last().
Precondition it is an item in L.

list_item L.pred(list_item it) returns the predecessor item of item it, nil if it = L.first().
Precondition it is an item in L.

list_item L.cyclic_succ(list_item it)
    returns the cyclic successor of item it, i.e., L.first() if it = L.last(), L.succ(it) otherwise.

list_item L.cyclic_pred(list_item it)
    returns the cyclic predecessor of item it, i.e, L.last() if it = L.first(), L.pred(it) otherwise.

const E& L.contents(list_item it) returns the contents L[it] of item it.
Precondition it is an item in L.

const E& L.inf(list_item it) returns L.contents(it).

const E& L.front() returns the first element of L, i.e. the contents of L.first().
Precondition L is not empty.

const E& L.head() same as L.front().

const E& L.back() returns the last element of L, i.e. the contents of L.last().
Precondition L is not empty.

const E& L.tail() same as L.back().

int L.rank(const E& x) returns the rank of x in L, i.e. its first position in L as an integer from [1...| L|] (0 if x is not in L). Note that this takes time linear in rank(x). Precondition operator== has to be defined for type E.

Update Operations

list_item L.push(const E& x) adds a new item < x > at the front of L and returns it (L.insert(x,L.first(),leda::before)).

list_item L.push_front(const E& x) same as L.push(x).

list_item L.append(const E& x) appends a new item < x > to L and returns it (L.insert(x,L.last(),leda::behind)).

list_item L.push_back(const E& x) same as L.append(x).

list_item L.insert(const E& x, list_item pos, int dir=leda::behind)
    inserts a new item < x > behind (if dir=leda::behind) or in front of (if dir=leda::before) item pos into L and returns it (here leda::behind and leda::before are predefined constants).
Precondition it is an item in L.

E L.pop() deletes the first item from L and returns its contents.
Precondition L is not empty.

E L.pop_front() same as L.pop().

E L.pop_back() deletes the last item from L and returns its contents.
Precondition L is not empty.

E L.Pop() same as L.pop_back().

E L.del_item(list_item it) deletes the item it from L and returns its contents L[it].
Precondition it is an item in L.

E L.del(list_item it) same as L.del_item(it).

void L.erase(list_item it) deletes the item it from L.
Precondition it is an item in L.

void L.remove(const E& x) removes all items with contents x from L.
Precondition operator== has to be defined for type E.

void L.move_to_front(list_item it)
    moves it to the front end of L.

void L.move_to_rear(list_item it)
    moves it to the rear end of L.

void L.move_to_back(list_item it)
    same as L.move_to_rear(it).

void L.assign(list_item it, const E& x)
    makes x the contents of item it.
Precondition it is an item in L.

void L.conc(list<E>& L1, int dir = leda::behind)
    appends ( dir = leda : : behind or prepends (dir = leda::before) list L1 to list L and makes L1 the empty list.
Precondition: L! = L1

void L.swap(list<E>& L1) swaps lists of items of L and L1;

void L.split(list_item it, list<E>& L1, list<E>& L2)
    splits L at item it into lists L1 and L2. More precisely, if it! = nil and L = x1,..., xk-1, it, xk+1,..., xn then L1 = x1,..., xk-1 and L2 = it, xk+1,..., xn. If it = nil then L1 is made empty and L2 a copy of L. Finally L is made empty if it is not identical to L1 or L2.
Precondition it is an item of L or nil.

void L.split(list_item it, list<E>& L1, list<E>& L2, int dir)
    splits L at item it into lists L1 and L2. Item it becomes the first item of L2 if dir==leda::before and the last item of L1 if dir=leda::behind.
Precondition it is an item of L.

void L.extract(list_item it1, list_item it2, list<E>& L1, bool inclusive = true)
    extracts a sublist L1 from L. More precisely, if L = x1,..., xp, it1,..., it2, xs,..., xn then L1 = it1,..., it2 and L = x1,..., xp, xs,..., xn. (If inclusive is false then it1 and it2 remain in L.) Precondition it1 and it2 are items of L or nil.

void L.apply(void (*f)(E& x)) for all items < x > in L function f is called with argument x (passed by reference).

void L.reverse_items() reverses the sequence of items of L.

void L.reverse_items(list_item it1, list_item it2)
    reverses the sub-sequence it1,..., it2 of items of L.
Precondition it1 = it2 or it1 appears before it2 in L.

void L.reverse() reverses the sequence of entries of L.

void L.reverse(list_item it1, list_item it2)
    reverses the sequence of entries L[it1]...L[it2].
Precondition it1 = it2 or it1 appears before it2 in L.

void L.permute() randomly permutes the items of L.

void L.permute(list_item* I) permutes the items of L into the same order as stored in the array I.

void L.clear() makes L the empty list.

Sorting and Searching

void L.sort(int (*cmp)(const E& , const E& ))
    sorts the items of L using the ordering defined by the compare function cmp : E x E $ \longrightarrow$ int, with

$cmp(a,b)\ \ \cases{< 0, &if $a < b$\cr
= 0, &if $a = b$\cr
> 0, &if $a > b$\cr}$

More precisely, if (in1,..., inn) and (out1,..., outn) denote the values of L before and after the call of sort, then cmp(L[outj], L[outj+1]) < = 0 for 1 < = j < n and there is a permutation $ \pi$ of [1..n] such that outi = in$\scriptstyle \pi_{i}$ for 1 < = i < = n.

void L.sort() sorts the items of L using the default ordering of type E, i.e., the linear order defined by function int compare (const E&, const E&). If E is a user-defined type, you have to provide a compare function (see Section User Defined Parameter Types).

void L.merge_sort(int (*cmp)(const E& , const E& ))
    sorts the items of L using merge sort and the ordering defined by cmp. The sort is stable, i.e., if x = y and < x > is before < y > in L then < x > is before < y > after the sort. L.merge_sort() is more efficient than L.sort() if L contains large pre-sorted intervals.

void L.merge_sort() as above, but uses the default ordering of type E. If E is a user-defined type, you have to provide the compare function (see Section User Defined Parameter Types).

void L.bucket_sort(int i, int j, int (*b)(const E& ))
    sorts the items of L using bucket sort, where b maps every element x of L to a bucket b(x) $ \in$ [i..j]. If b(x) < b(y) then < x > appears before < y > after the sort. If b(x) = b(y), the relative order of x and y before the sort is retained, thus the sort is stable.

void L.bucket_sort(int (*b)(const E& ))
    sorts list<E> into increasing order as prescribed by b Precondition b is an integer-valued function on E.

() merges the items of L and L1 using the ordering defined by cmp. The result is assigned to L and L1 is made empty.
Precondition L and L1 are sorted incresingly according to the linear order defined by cmp.

void L.merge(list<E>& L1) merges the items of L and L1 using the default linear order of type E. If E is a user-defined type, you have to define the linear order by providing the compare function (see Section User Defined Parameter Types).

void L.unique(int (*cmp)(const E& , const E& ))
    removes duplicates from L.
Precondition L is sorted incresingly according to the ordering defined by cmp.

void L.unique() removes duplicates from L.
Precondition L is sorted increasingly according to the default ordering of type E and operator== is defined for E. If E is a user-defined type, you have to define the linear order by providing the compare function (see Section User Defined Parameter Types).

list_item E& x) returns the first item of L that contains x, nil if x is not an element of L.
Precondition operator== has to be defined for type E.

list_item L.min(const leda_cmp_base<E>& cmp)
    returns the item with the minimal contents with respect to the linear order defined by compare function cmp.

list_item L.min() returns the item with the minimal contents with respect to the default linear order of type E.

list_item L.max(const leda_cmp_base<E>& cmp)
    returns the item with the maximal contents with respect to the linear order defined by compare function cmp.

list_item L.max() returns the item with the maximal contents with respect to the default linear order of type E.

Input and Output

void I) reads a sequence of objects of type E from the input stream I using operator»(istream&,E&). L is made a list of appropriate length and the sequence is stored in L.

void I, char delim)
    as above but stops reading as soon as the first occurence of character delim is encountered.

void delim = ' \n') calls, delim) to read L from the standard input stream cin.

void prompt, char delim = ' \n')
    As above, but first writes string prompt to cout.

void L.print(ostream& O, char space = ' ')
    prints the contents of list L to the output tream O using operator«(ostream&,const E&) to print each element. The elements are separated by character space.

void L.print(char space = ' ') calls L.print(cout, space) to print L on the standard output stream cout.

void L.print(string header, char space = ' ')
    As above, but first outputs string header.


list<E>& L = const list<E>& L1 The assignment operator makes L a copy of list L1. More precisely if L1 is the sequence of items x1, x2,..., xn then L is made a sequence of items y1, y2,..., yn with L[yi] = L1[xi] for 1 < = i < = n.

E& L[list_item it] returns a reference to the contents of it.

list_item L[int i] an abbreviation for L.get_item(i).

list_item L += const E& x same as L.append(x); returns the new item.

ostream& ostream& out « const list<E>& L
    same as L.print(out); returns out.

istream& istream& in » list<E>& L same as; returns in.


forall_items(it, L) { ``the items of L are successively assigned to it'' }

forall(x, L) { ``the elements of L are successively assigned to x'' }

STL compatible iterators are provided when compiled with -DLEDA_STL_ITERATORS (see LEDAROOT/demo/stl/list.c for an example).


The data type list is realized by doubly linked linear lists. Let c be the time complexity of the compare function and let d be the time needed to copy an object of type list<E>. All operations take constant time except of the following operations: search, revers_items, permute and rank take linear time O(n), item(i) takes time O(i), min, max, and unique take time O(c*n), merge takes time O(c*(n1 + n2)), operator=, apply, reverse, read, and print take time O(d*n), sort and merge_sort take time O(n*c*log n), and bucket_sort takes time O(e*n + j - i), where e is the time complexity of f. n is always the current length of the list.

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