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Face Arrays ( face_array )


An instance A of the parameterized data type face_array<E> is a partial mapping from the face set of a graph G to the set of variables of type E, called the element type of the array. The domain I of A is called the index set of A and A(f ) is called the element at position f. A is said to be valid for all faces in I. The array access operator A[f] checks its precondition (A must be valid for f). The check can be turned off by compiling with the flag -DLEDA_CHECKING_OFF.

#include < LEDA/graph/face_array.h >


face_array<E> A creates an instance A of type face_array<E> with empty index set.

face_array<E> A(const graph_t& G) creates an instance A of type face_array<E> and initializes the index set of A to the current face set of graph G.

face_array<E> A(const graph_t& G, E x) creates an instance A of type face_array<E>, sets the index set of A to the current face set of graph G and initializes A(f ) with x for all faces f of G.

face_array<E> A(const graph_t& G, int n, E x)
    creates an instance A of type face_array<E> valid for up to n faces of graph G and initializes A(f ) with x for all faces f of G.
Precondition n > = | V|.
A is also valid for the next n - | V| faces added to G.


const graph_t& A.get_graph() returns a reference to the graph of A.

E& A[face f] returns the variable A(f ).
Precondition A must be valid for f.

void A.init(const graph_t& G) sets the index set I of A to the face set of G, i.e., makes A valid for all faces of G.

void A.init(const graph_t& G, E x)
    makes A valid for all faces of G and sets A(f )= x for all faces f of G.

void A.init(const graph_t& G, int n, E x)
    makes A valid for at most n faces of G and sets A(f )= x for all faces f of G.
Precondition n > = | V|.
A is also valid for the next n - | V| faces added to G.

bool A.use_face_data(const graph_t& G, E x)
    use free data slots in the faces of G (if available) for storing the entries of A. The number of additional data slots in the nodes and edges of a graph can be specified in the graph::graph(int n_slots, int e_slots) constructor. The result is true if a free slot is available and false otherwise.


Node arrays for a graph G are implemented by C++vectors and an internal numbering of the faces and edges of G. The access operation takes constant time, init takes time O(n), where n is the number of faces in G. The space requirement is O(n).

Remark: A face array is only valid for a bounded number of faces of G. This number is either the number of faces of G at the moment of creation of the array or it is explicitely set by the user. Dynamic face arrays can be realized by face maps (cf. section Node Maps).

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