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Windows for 3d visualization ( d3_window )


The data type d3_window supports three-dimensional visualization. It uses a LEDA window to visualize and animate three-dimensional drawings of graph. For this purpose we need to assign positions in 3d space to all nodes of the graph (see init-operations and set_position-operation). The edges of the visualized graph are drawn as straight-line-segments between the 3d positions of their source and target nodes. Note all edges of the graph must have a reversal edge.
If the graph to be shown is a planar map the faces can be shaded in different grey scales (if the solid flag is true).
The graph can be drawn with the draw-operation and animated with the move-operation. The draw-operation draws a frontal projection of the graph on the output window. The move-operation starts a simple animation mode. First it draws the graph, then it rotates it (the rotation depends on the x_rotation and y_rotation flags and the mouse position) and finally returns the pressed mouse button.

Every object of type d3_window maintains a set of parameters:

In addition, a d3_window stores information assigned to the nodes and edges of the visualized graph.

#include < LEDA/graphics/d3_window.h >


d3_window D(window& W, const graph& G, double rot1=0, double rot2=0)
    creates an instance D of the data type d3_window. The output window of D is W. The visualized graph is G.

d3_window D(window& W, const graph& G, const node_array<vector>& pos)
    creates an instance D of the data type d3_window. The output window of D is W. The visualized graph is G. The positions of the nodes are given in pos. Precondition the vectors in pos are three-dimensional.

d3_window D(window& W, const graph& G, const node_array<rat_vector>& pos)
    creates an instance D of the data type d3_window. The output window of D is W. The visualized graph is G. The positions of the nodes are given in pos. Precondition the vectors in pos are three-dimensional.


void D.init(const node_array<vector>& pos)
    initializes D by setting the node positions of the visualized graph to the positions given in pos. Precondition the vectors in pos are three-dimensional.

void D.init(const node_array<rat_vector>& pos)
    initializes D by setting the node positions of the visualized graph to the positions given in pos. Precondition the vectors in pos are three-dimensional.

void D.init(const graph& G, const node_array<vector>& pos)
    initializes D by setting the visualized graph to G and the node positions of the visualized graph to the positions given in pos. Precondition the vectors in pos are three-dimensional.

void D.draw() draws the contents of D (see also Definition).

int D.move() animates the contents of D until a button is pressed and returns the pressed mouse button. If the movement is stopped or no mouse button is pressed, NO_BUTTON will be returned, else the number of the pressed mouse button will be returned (see also Definition and the get_mouse operation of the window data type).

int D.get_mouse() does the same as move.

int D.read_mouse() calls move as long as move returns NO_BUTTON. Else the movement is stopped, and the number of the pressed mouse button is returned.

void D.set_position(node v, double x, double y, double z)
    sets the position of node v in the visualized graph D to (x,y,z).

Get- and set-operations
The following operations can be used to get and set the parameters of D. The set-operations return the previous value of the parameter.

bool D.get_x_rotation() returns true, if D has rotation about the x-axis enabled, false otherwise.

bool D.get_y_rotation() returns true, if D has rotation about the y-axis enabled, false otherwise.

bool D.set_x_rotation(bool b) enables (disables) rotation about the x-axis.

bool D.set_y_rotation(bool b) enables (disables) rotation about the y-axis.

bool D.get_elim() returns the hidden line elimination flag.

bool D.set_elim(bool b) sets the hidden line elimination flag to b. If b is true, hidden lines will be eliminated, if b is false, hidden lines will be shown.

bool D.get_solid() returns the solid flag of D.

bool D.set_solid(bool b) sets the solid flag of D to b. If b is true and the current graph of D is a planar map, its faces will be painted in different grey scales, otherwise the faces will be painted white.

bool D.get_draw_edges() return true, if edges will be drawn, false otherwise.

bool D.set_draw_edges(bool b) enables (disables) the redraw of the edges of D.

string D.get_message() returns the message that will be displayed on top of the drawing area of the window.

string D.set_message(string msg) sets the message that will be displayed on top of the drawing area of the window to msg .

void D.set_node_color(color c) sets the color of all nodes of D to c.

void D.set_edge_color(color c) sets the color of all edges of D to c.

color D.get_color(node v) returns the color of node v.

color D.set_color(node v, color c)
    sets the color of node v to c.

color D.get_color(edge e) returns the color of edge e.

color D.set_color(edge e, color c)
    sets the color of edge e to c.

bool D.get_arrow(edge e) returns true, if e will be painted with an arrow, false otherwise.

bool D.set_arrow(edge e, bool ar)
    if ar is true, e will be painted with an arrow, otherwise without an arrow.

void D.get_d2_position(node_array<point>& d2pos)
    returns the two-dimensional positions of the nodes of the graph of D in d2pos.

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