An instance cp of class CompPred<Iter,DA,Comp> is a predicate comparator that produces boolean values with the given compare function and the attribute associated with an iterator.
#include < LEDA/graph/graph_iterator.h >
CompPred<Iter,DA,Comp> | cp(const DA& da, const Comp& comp, typename DA::value_type val) | |
introduces a variable cp of this class and associates it to the given data accessor da, compare function comp and value val. |
Precondition: Comp is a pointer-to-function type which takes two values of type typename DA::value_type and produces a boolean return value. Comp might also be a class with member function bool operator()(typename DA::value_type,typename DA::value_type).
In the following example, a node iterator for red nodes will be created. At first the basic part (see sect. node_array_da for explanation of the data accessor node_array_da):
graph G; NodeIt it(G); node_array<color> na_colour(G,black); node_array_da<color> da_colour(na_colour); assign_some_color_to_each_node();
Now follows the definition of a ``red iterator'' (Equal<T> yields true, if the given two values are equal):
template<class T> class Equal { public: bool operator() (T t1, T t2) const { return t1==t2; } }; typedef CompPred<NodeIt,node_array_da<color>,Equal<color> > Predicate; Predicate PredColour(da_colour,Equal<color>(),red); FilterNodeIt<Predicate,NodeIt> red_it(PredColour,it);
This simplifies the loop to the following:
while(red_it.valid()) { do_something(red_it); ++red_it; }
Equal<T> is a class that compares two items of the template parameter T by means of a method bool operator()(T,T);. There are some classes available for this purpose: Equal<T>, Unequal<T>, LessThan<T>, LessEqual<T>, GreaterThan<T> and GreaterEqual<T> with obvious semantics, where T is the type of the values. Predicates of the STL can be used as well since they have the same interface.