Functions of Numerical Analyis
LEDA provides some functions of numerical analysis, like computation of
minima/maxima, integration, and root finding.
Remark: These functions are experimental and not the most efficient
ones. Therefore, they should be used with special care.
Available Functions
double minimize_function(double (*f)(double), double& x)
finds local minimum of function f and returns the result
in x .
double integrate_function() computes the integral of f
in the interval [l,r]
double binary_entropy(double x) returns the binary entropy
of x
double zero_of_function(double (*f)(double), double l, double
r) returns a zero of f
See also:
Integers of Arbitrary Length
Algebraic Real Numbers
Rational Numbers
Floating Point Filter
Big Floatingpoint Numbers
Interval Arithmetic
Vectors and Matrices with Integer Entries
Vectors and Matrices with Double Entries
Rational Vectors
Page Functions of Numerical Analysis