Example Node PartitionsThe following program implements Kruskals algorithm for computing a minimum spanning tree of a weighted graph. The The computation of the minimum spanning tree in #include <LEDA/graph/graph.h> #include <LEDA/graph/node_partition.h> #include <LEDA/core/random_source.h> #include <LEDA/core/p_queue.h> using namespace leda; list<edge> MST(const graph& G,const edge_array<int>& cost) { list<edge> T; //the minimum spanning tree p_queue<int,edge> PQ; edge e; forall_edges(e,G) PQ.insert(cost[e],e); //sort edges according to cost node_partition P(G); while (!PQ.empty()) { e=PQ.inf(PQ.find_min()); //get edge with minimum cost PQ.del_min(); node u=G.source(e); node v=G.target(e); if (!P.same_block(u,v)) { T.append(e); P.union_blocks(u,v); } } return T; } int main() { graph G; complete_graph(G,5); random_source S; edge_array<int> cost(G); edge e;forall_edges(e,G) S>>cost[e]; list<edge> tree=MST(G,cost); forall(e,tree) { G.print_edge(e); std::cout << std::endl; } return 0; } |
See also:Manual Entries: Page Node Partitions |