Edge Maps
The data type edge_map<E> can be used to associate additional
(LEDA or user
defined) information of type E with the edges of a graph.
Example of how to use
a edge map for a graph
- works well for dynamic graphs
- efficient: initializiation in constant time and access in expected
constant time
- there can be an arbitrary number of Edge Maps for a graph
- Edge Maps can be defined at any point in a program
- can be passed (by reference) to a function with Edge
Array as formal parameter.
- Use Edge Maps in situations where a sparse map on the edges has to
be maintained.
- If more than half of the entries are actually used it is often better
to use an Edge Array.
See also:
Parameterized Graphs
Edge Arrays
Edge Data Slots
Associate Information with
Graphs and Related Data Types
Manual Entries:
Page Edge Maps
Defined Parameter Types