> LEDA Guide > Graph Algorithms > Maximum Flow > Maximum Flow Algorithms

Maximum Flow Algorithms

Let G be a directed graph, s and t nodes of G, and cap a non-negative capacity function on the edges of G. A flow from s to t must satisfy the capacity constraints, i.e., the flow over an edge must not exceed its capacity, and the flow conservation constraints, i.e., the flow out of s must be the same as the flow into t. In a maximum flow the flow out of s is maximum among all flows from s to t.

MAX_FLOW_T() is the LEDA function for computing a maximum flow in a directed graph. MAX_FLOW_T() is a template function. The template parameter NT can be instantiated with any number type.

Example of How to Use MAX_FLOW_T()

Additionally, LEDA provides several specialized (template) functions for maximum flow that allow to study the effect of different heuristics and of different selection rules on the preflow push method. These functions are mainly intended for specialists. A list of available functions can be found on the Manual Page of Maximum Flow.

MAX_FLOW() is the name of the preinstantiated versions of MAX_FLOW_T(). There is one function MAX_FLOW() for edge capacities of type int and one for double.

Example of How to Use MAX_FLOW()

Important Notice: MAX_FLOW() only performs correctly if all arithmetic is performed without rounding errors and without overflows. If you are not sure about this, you should use MAX_FLOW_T() with one of the LEDA number types. MAX_FLOW() for int issues a warning if incorrect results are possible. MAX_FLOW() for double computes a maximum flow for modified edge capacities in order to avoid internal arithmetic problems. Details can be found in the LEDA Book. Using the following function you can do the capacity modification explicitely.

MAX_FLOW_SCALE_CAPS() modifies the edge capacities in order to avoid internal arithmetic problems. The function returns false if it changed some edge capacities and true otherwise.

Running Times

The running time of MAX_FLOW_T() and MAX_FLOW() is cubic in the number of nodes of the graph (O(|V|3)). MAX_FLOW_SCALE_CAPS() is linear in the size of the graph.


  • Use MAX_FLOW_T()to compute a maximum flow.
  • If you are determined to use MAX_FLOW()be aware of the arithmetic problems that may arise. In case of double edge capacities use MAX_FLOW_SCALE_CAPS() to modify the edge capacities explicitely.

See also:

Maximum Flow

Number Types

Graph Algorithms

Graphs and Related Data Types

Minimum Cost Flow

Minimum Cut

Manual Entries:

Maximum Flow

Algorithmic Solutions Software GmbH