Guide > Geometry > Generators for Geometric Objects > Example Point Generators

Example Generators for Random Points

The following example shows how to use the generators for points and rat_points.

#include <LEDA/geo/point.h>
#include <LEDA/geo/rat_point.h>
#include <LEDA/geo/random_point.h>
#include <LEDA/geo/random_rat_point.h>

using namespace leda;

int main()
  point p;
  std::cout << p.to_point() << std::endl;
  //returns a point whose x- and y-coordinates are random integers 
  //in [- 10..10]. 
  list<rat_point> L;
  rat_point rp;
  forall(rp,L) std::cout << rp.to_point() << " ";
  std::cout << std::endl;
  //returns a list L of 3 points whose coordinates are random 
  //rationals of the form i/2000 where i is a random integer 
  //in the range [0..2000].
  return 0;

See also:

Data Types for 2D Geometry

Linear Lists

Generators for Geometric Objects


Advanced Data types for 2-D geometry

Geometry Algorithms


Manual Entries:

Manual Page Point Generators

Algorithmic Solutions Software GmbH